The following activities are supported by the network and are open to all Renfrewshire Christians and their friends:
Inter-church Celebration Services : Held 3-4 times per annum on Sunday evenings, these take place in different Renfrewshire churches.
Inter-church Leaders’ Prayer Meetings : Weekly on Thursday mornings during term time, for Renfrewshire church leaders to meet, share and pray together.
Inter-church Prayer for Renfrewshire (P4R) : A twice monthly evening Prayer Meeting and WhatsApp Group to pray for spiritual revival in Renfrewshire.
Inter-church Summer Services (The Filling Station) : A weekly Inter-church service over the 6 weeks of summer in Mossvale Church (Greenock Road, Paisley) for God to refresh and fill us.
Inter-church Christmas and Easter Events : Support for Christmas Carol Services, Easter Good Friday Walk, Easter Sunrise Service on the Glennifer Braes, and other Inter-church events.
Renfrewshire Churches Information Database : Using publicly available information this database has the most up-to-date information about the Renfrewshire Churches.
Paisley Street & Rail Pastors : Local management support for this outreach to provide support to vulnerable people on the streets and rail network